About Us
1997 - 2021
Established in 1997, we are extending innovative solutions for health care projects right from concept to physical design, and implementation.
We extend our services for, design planning and implementation with our years of experience in hospital design and operational experience for both for new facilities and existing facilities.
With our expert associates both at home and abroad we deliver cost effective and state-of-the -art services to our clients. We get tuned with our clients in every aspect of the project to discharge our responsibilities.

Our Story
Our scope of service may include only consultancy or may cover the whole spectrum of project planning, building construction, equipment planning, delivery & installation and Human Resources Development on turn-key basis.
We provide logistic support for implementation of the project.
The requirement for quality care and maintenance of medical and its auxiliary equipment are increasing with the rapid growth of the healthcare industry. There is now ever increasing demand for bio-medical engineering
requirement, either for preventive maintenance or continuous repair programme.
We devote our knowledge and skills and took the initiative to put some young, energetic and qualified engineers to extend the support to the institutions and end-users.
What we do
We do hospital development, design planning and implementation with our years of experience in hospital design and operational experience for both for new facilities and existing facilities redesign.
With our expert associates both at home and abroad we delivery cost effective and state-of-the -art services to our clients. We get tuned with our clients in every aspect of the project to discharge our responsibilities.
Completed Projects
We are proud to say that we have successfully completed all of them.
Satisfied Clients
Thanks to our hard work and great projects we achieved huge client satisfaction.
Why choose us?

Our turn-key
arrangement even includes Construction Management. This very often requires baseline survey for physical and logistic (including human resources) facilities and concept development based on the situation analysis.

We also arrange
training for medical and management staffs of hospitals with high quality, standard and efficiency.

A proper design
of the project is highly helpful for the development of a rational budget and HEMA can save the valuable resource of the client by bringing its long time expertise in this area.

We extend our
technical support for periodic preventive maintenance and maintenance on call basis. Thus we prevent unnecessary break downs, ensure reliabilities of the equipment and reduce the possibility of unexpected repairs.

We also extend
our logistic support and data collectors for survey / studies for any health related projects, including arranging resource persons and printing materials.